Friday fillers
*Today's updates on the new Yankee Stadium are courtesy of Newsday, which is reporting that George Steinbrenner will be at the opening game, but public address legend Bob Sheppard will not.
*African American comic D. L. Hughley put Barack Obama's election in perspective the other morning on the Imus program. Hughley said he was walking through New York City on Election Night, excited about the election of a black man, something he never thought he'd live to see. But the edge came off when a taxi driver wouldn't stop to pick him up.
*The New York Times finally found out that Kirsten Gillibrand once represnted Phillip Morris. But a story on the front page, above the fold, with a full-page "jump" seems a bit much to me. Are we going to castigate every lawyer for their client list? And should a young associate at a big firm come under fire?
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