For what it's worth
*There was a time when pro basketball captured my attention. Those were the days when you could go to the old Garden on 49th Street and see an NBA doubleheader with one paid admission. Later, the Red Holzman Knicks were what teamwork is all about. Somewhere, maybe after Michael Jordan, Larry Bird and Magic Johnson, I tuned out. That the current Knicks have been horrible has made it easy. But I did catch the second half of last night's Knicks game with Orlando, the most of any match I've seen in I'm not sure how long. Now I remember why. Poor fundamentals. Players out of position. Frequent clock stoppages in the waning moments. Let me know when the season is over.
*If you manage to find your way into the new Yankee Stadium and still have some free cash, you won't go hungry. Check out this menu for the new ballpark.
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