Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Political pops

*I'm told Congressman Hinchey was in our building today. Best I can tell, there were no injuries.

*Very few warm and fuzzies in many of the political endorsements I've read so far. Lots of "lesser of two evils" kind of acknowledgements.

*I guess I'll never quite figure out why candidates believe lawn signs are effective.

*I watch little cable TV (I have a satellite dish) and rarely listen to local radio, so I don't know how much time is being purchased for political commercials. But my mailbox is overflowing from slick, large, glossy post cards from a variety of campaign hopefuls. More effective than lawn signs? Yes. Effective, period? Not if they immediately wind up with the other unsolicited advertisements that quickly find their way into the trash.

*There's a Tea Party guy who continually comments negatively on our website about the Freeman's coverage and/or editorials. That's fine; we solicit comments from all comers. This particular critic, however, also repeatedly claims our newspaper is "irrelevant." OK, if he says so. But it does beg the question, why is he wasting so much time reading and commenting on something "irrelevant"?
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