Thursday notepad
*Had Tiger Woods not married his supermodel girlfriend, Elin, and instead remained single so he could play the field with supermodels, porn stars and pancake restaurant hostesses, he'd be a playboy glorified a la Joe Namath decades ago, and any number of athletes since. Given his current plight, you think he wishes he'd asked for a mulligan on that wedding thing?
*Sat in on an editorial board meeting with Ulster County Executive Mike Hein the other day. First time I'd seen or talked to him - other than quick hellos at the golf course - since he ran for office over a year ago. My quick impression is that he has a lot of governmental straightening-out to do (after having straightened out plenty already). Given the snakepit that is county government, Hein will have to remain steely eyed going forward. There are, after all, people in and out of government who'd like to turn back the clock and return historic power to the Legislature, where anything goes and accountability is virtually nowhere to be found. The current system works. Hein's job, in large part, is to prove it.
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