Friday, October 16, 2009


*Coming next week to the Freeman's lineup of syndicated columnists is Pulitzer Prize winner Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post. His liberal slants will replace those of Marie Cocco, whose column no longer is being offered to us by their syndicate. For those keeping score at home, our liberal columnists lineup is made up of Ellen Goodman, Susan Estrich, Bill Press and Robinson. Conservatives are Kathleen Parker, Jonah Goldberg, Cal Thomas and Froma Harrop. Leonard Pitts, Mitch Albom and Andy Rooney are considered moderates.

*Imagine what it's like sitting in studio for an interview with WFAN-YES broadcaster Mike Francesa. He asks you a question. Then, while you're answering, he's turning the pages of a newspaper, seemingly distracted and uninterested with the guest's answer. See for yourself on the YES simulcast. But that all fits Francesa's M.O.: It's all about him. Not sure? Listen to him ask an unending, bad-for-radio question, first, then catch his "I agree" (as if his approval is required) when a guest offers a point of view.

*I don't pay attention to the NFL until Thanksgiving. I don't pay attention to the NHL until Jan. 1. I don't pay attention to the NBA.
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